The Black Cat
Upon uncovering and rescuing a small, black kitten from a dumpster, Michael's luck changes for the better. Huh! But don't they bring bad luck? Not this one.
Michael soon figures out when he's holding the kitten, whoever attempts to inflict harm upon him, directly receives the suffering. So the harmer becomes the harmee. Are you getting this?
Michael runs some tests to verify the kitten's power; these include having Fred hold a flame against Michael's hand and pushing his head into a bucket of water. Standard stuff really, but strangely Fred refuses the razor blade nick to Michael's throat, tightening a noose around his neck and attaching electrical wires to his genitals.
Now Michael cashes in, riding the kitten's luck by picking up at a nightclub, landing a great job at Google and extracting his form of paranoid vengeance on undeserving members of society.
You know the usual troublemakers, a meathead nightclub bouncer, a dreaded cavity filling dentist, a loudmouth retard in a wheelchair, a sweet, cookie selling Girl Scout and an apologetic, little old lady who spilt ice cream on his shoes. Hey, just blame it on Karma!
Ok, life is pretty good for Michael now, but let me guess, something goes wrong.
Gargoyle tried to warn him there is no such thing as a free lunch, unless of course you're a politician. A fall out with the volatile kitten quickly turns the tables on Michael, switching him from the prestigious position of curser to the less glamorous position of cursed.
Suddenly Michael looks worse for wear as he staggers into the study to consult Gargoyle. All the pain he's been dishing out and shielded from has now invaded his body in the form of a gruesome assortment of injuries.
Now that's what I call a catastrophe!